In addition to carefully selecting the image on one of my cards I love to find just the right style of words (the type) that complements that image. Two styles I always admire are calligraphy and letterpress. I have decided that I would like to learn both!
I remember my Dad bought me my first fountain pen, which I had to fill from a bottle of ink. We had to learn cursive writing in school. I still incorporate some loops into my handwriting but it is my own variation of what I was taught. I purchased a calligraphy starter set which included some exercises. The key is practice but I want to learn the fundamentals from an expert. One day it would be nice to be able to offer the service of addressing envelopes for wedding invitations I have made.
Many years ago I was given the drawer pictured here by a friend. He suggested I use it to display my rubber stamps. At the time I had no idea what it had previously been used for. I now know it is a job case used to arrange font for letterpress, most likely upper case. Letterpress- type images can be produced by computer but there is nothing like the real thing, created by connecting ink to paper by heavy machinery. Letterpress is not limited to text. Modern technology lends itself to custom design plates being made easily for use in an old fashioned letterpress. I am lucky enough to live in an area where I can take classes to learn letterpress. Apparently I'm not the only one eager to learn because I have been wait-listed for the two classes I am interested in taking ! Who said it was a dying art?
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